Friday, November 23, 2007
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Eat, Sleep, Poop and the baby's doing fine, too
Monday, November 19, 2007
Leif and Lilah
They have arrived!!! No, we didn't have twins, I'm talking about our son and my brother's daughter. Only three days apart, these cousins are destined to be great friends!
Hugh Leif Michael Kious was born early Friday morning, Nov 16th 4:27AM.
Weighing in at 10lbs 7oz he was the king of the nursery! 22.5 inches long. He is named after his grandpas, Hugh Leslie Joe Kious and John Leif Prehn and his father and uncle, both of whom share the middle name Michael. We wanted to honor the great men he is lucky enough to have in his life.
Lilah Kalindi Prehn was born a mere two days later, Nov 18th 10:49PM. 7lbs, 8oz and 21 inches long, she is long and lean.
We came home yesterday and had a wonderful first night. I was almost sad to leave the excellent nursing care I received in the hospital, but it was good to get Leif home and start using all the STUFF we have accumulated. We actually got a decent amount of sleep and it was much more restorative than the sleep in the hospital. Nana and Grandpa Prehn helped to settle us in (indeed, they have been wonderful with all the support, both physical and emotional. Mimi and Grandpa Kious will take their supportive turn when they fly west in a week.) ....and we managed to pry Nana's grip from Leif in order for them to get home and get some rest, as well. :) "Daddy" has been very busy taking care of "Mommy" as well and getting peed on three times already (mommy has yet to experience this joy) and dealt with his first "poo up the back" incident. Needless to say, Brent is a natural as well as a quick study and I can't imagine a better new daddy. Of course Leif (by the way, pronounced like "leaf") is very excited to meet his fan club and we hope to see you all soon. Thank you for all the love and support you have been sending our way.
Here are some pics. The first four are baby Leif, the last is Kev and Lilah, sorry I don't know how to rotate it! Keep checking back, I'm thinking we are going to have a hard time not photgraphing this cutie.

Let's take a vote: Do the cousins look alike???
Hugh Leif Michael Kious was born early Friday morning, Nov 16th 4:27AM.
Weighing in at 10lbs 7oz he was the king of the nursery! 22.5 inches long. He is named after his grandpas, Hugh Leslie Joe Kious and John Leif Prehn and his father and uncle, both of whom share the middle name Michael. We wanted to honor the great men he is lucky enough to have in his life.
Lilah Kalindi Prehn was born a mere two days later, Nov 18th 10:49PM. 7lbs, 8oz and 21 inches long, she is long and lean.
We came home yesterday and had a wonderful first night. I was almost sad to leave the excellent nursing care I received in the hospital, but it was good to get Leif home and start using all the STUFF we have accumulated. We actually got a decent amount of sleep and it was much more restorative than the sleep in the hospital. Nana and Grandpa Prehn helped to settle us in (indeed, they have been wonderful with all the support, both physical and emotional. Mimi and Grandpa Kious will take their supportive turn when they fly west in a week.) ....and we managed to pry Nana's grip from Leif in order for them to get home and get some rest, as well. :) "Daddy" has been very busy taking care of "Mommy" as well and getting peed on three times already (mommy has yet to experience this joy) and dealt with his first "poo up the back" incident. Needless to say, Brent is a natural as well as a quick study and I can't imagine a better new daddy. Of course Leif (by the way, pronounced like "leaf") is very excited to meet his fan club and we hope to see you all soon. Thank you for all the love and support you have been sending our way.
Here are some pics. The first four are baby Leif, the last is Kev and Lilah, sorry I don't know how to rotate it! Keep checking back, I'm thinking we are going to have a hard time not photgraphing this cutie.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007
We are playing the waiting game. Here we are...... waiting for make his pressure little guy. :)
Here are some pictures of his room, we set up the crib last weekend. (and yes, I know you can't have toys in the crib with him, but they are going to live there for now. )
I'm still working, albeit half and 3/4 days. Brent continues to hold down the fort, doing basically all the living space maintenance, errands and heavy lifting.
So, we'll keep you posted. If you need to find us, we'll just be here......waiting. :)
Thursday, September 6, 2007
10 week countdown
10 weeks sounds like less time than 2 months somehow.
So, we have been getting alot of advice about....well everything. All of it welcome, to be sure. Many people told me about, they are so cheap, they deliver to your door, etc. Fine, I think, I'm going to need diapers, I'll order a starter pack. So, I'm sitting at the computer after a long day, surfing the various array of diapers available to me at, which took approximately 30 seconds to become overwhelming. Maybe it's the hormones. Brent looks over and sees my forlorn expression so decides he must come to my rescue. So, he comes over, all we'll-figure-this-out-together and says:
"Ok, we'll just estimate. How many diapers does a baby go through in a day? 2 or 3? So, that's what, 60 or 70 the first month? We'll get 80 just to be safe."
Um, yeah. So, 10 weeks to go. I think I'll go get out the What to Expect books. :)
So, we have been getting alot of advice about....well everything. All of it welcome, to be sure. Many people told me about, they are so cheap, they deliver to your door, etc. Fine, I think, I'm going to need diapers, I'll order a starter pack. So, I'm sitting at the computer after a long day, surfing the various array of diapers available to me at, which took approximately 30 seconds to become overwhelming. Maybe it's the hormones. Brent looks over and sees my forlorn expression so decides he must come to my rescue. So, he comes over, all we'll-figure-this-out-together and says:
"Ok, we'll just estimate. How many diapers does a baby go through in a day? 2 or 3? So, that's what, 60 or 70 the first month? We'll get 80 just to be safe."
Um, yeah. So, 10 weeks to go. I think I'll go get out the What to Expect books. :)
Sunday, August 19, 2007
In the beginning
A little trip down memory lane.
The morning we found out I did not tell Brent I was going to take a test. I thought it would probably be negative and it was very early to check anyway. But I wanted him to be there when I took it, so I got up when he did at 5:30AM and snuck to the bathroom to take the test. Negative, so I threw it away, kisssed him goodbye and went back to bed. Three hours later I woke up and wandered into the bathroom, happened to glance in the wastebasket and did a double take when I saw a HUGE PINK LINE!! Then I had to find a sneaky way to go meet him at work to tell him in person.
This is a picture of me when I thought I was "showing". Ha.
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