Hugh Leif Michael Kious was born early Friday morning, Nov 16th 4:27AM.
Weighing in at 10lbs 7oz he was the king of the nursery! 22.5 inches long. He is named after his grandpas, Hugh Leslie Joe Kious and John Leif Prehn and his father and uncle, both of whom share the middle name Michael. We wanted to honor the great men he is lucky enough to have in his life.
Lilah Kalindi Prehn was born a mere two days later, Nov 18th 10:49PM. 7lbs, 8oz and 21 inches long, she is long and lean.
We came home yesterday and had a wonderful first night. I was almost sad to leave the excellent nursing care I received in the hospital, but it was good to get Leif home and start using all the STUFF we have accumulated. We actually got a decent amount of sleep and it was much more restorative than the sleep in the hospital. Nana and Grandpa Prehn helped to settle us in (indeed, they have been wonderful with all the support, both physical and emotional. Mimi and Grandpa Kious will take their supportive turn when they fly west in a week.) ....and we managed to pry Nana's grip from Leif in order for them to get home and get some rest, as well. :) "Daddy" has been very busy taking care of "Mommy" as well and getting peed on three times already (mommy has yet to experience this joy) and dealt with his first "poo up the back" incident. Needless to say, Brent is a natural as well as a quick study and I can't imagine a better new daddy. Of course Leif (by the way, pronounced like "leaf") is very excited to meet his fan club and we hope to see you all soon. Thank you for all the love and support you have been sending our way.
Here are some pics. The first four are baby Leif, the last is Kev and Lilah, sorry I don't know how to rotate it! Keep checking back, I'm thinking we are going to have a hard time not photgraphing this cutie.

Too cute! I'm so glad everyone is healthy and happy. Keep up the blogging please. Love you all - cousin liz
Welcome home! He is just adorable. Hayley can't wait to meet her new little cousin (second cousin? first cousin once removed?). So glad to see your topics of conversation have deteriorated so rapidly into baby ins-and-outs (most notably, the outs). Welcome to the club. Love, Heather, Aaron, and Hayley
Leif sure is a king!!!!!
Congratulations, welcome to the parents club!!!!!!
We can't wait to meet him, meet Daddy, and see you Jenny!
Take care of yourself, rest, and most all enjoy your little one, it goes soooooooooo fast! Ours is already 3.5 months, where does the time go????
Much love,
Severine, Mike and Manu Baron-Jerugim
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